Sep 26, 2005 23:34
so basically i hate to update, but thought i'd do a quickee here. life's alright. i think i screwed up with Jake, if you don't know who he is, feel free to ask, I love Sarah Lohmar and she is in love. and I am so glad she could finally use the skills that she was taught by from two pros!! I love Justin and Britt and hope it all goes well. They will make sexy babies. Tonight and last night have SERIOUSLY been the first two nights in about a month or more than I have not A.) slept in my own bed/not slept in the same bed with Jake and B.) Not gone to the bars/hung out all night long with the girls. It's different, but I need to study more, sleep more, and worry less about jake. boys break your heart, and nobody needs none of that now. I guess this is my decision and mine alone. I chose to stay in. I am doing decent in school, I am not failing a class or anything, but I have a test coming up on wednesday and in this class we have two tests, thats it. so this test is 50% of my grade, i may end up having to drop the class if i screw up. so wish me luck. This weekend was amaazing, Britt was in Statesboro, to see "me", even though we really know she wanted to spend time with Justin. haha. I love u. but I had a blast. remember britt-- it requires longer than ONE FREAKIN MINUTE sometimes. I got aletter from matty today. I hate Ginny still, but I am only being a good friend. Kenny and David are pissed because I never write them, oops. I have no job, I need money. I just got a thousand dollar scholorship from chick-fil-a which i should be recieving in full in about a week or two, thank the Lord. I hafta start managing my money, especially since now I don't have any. theres really so so much more i could say, but who really cares anyway, right? okie dokie, im gonna attempt to study and go to bed. i feel changes coming, good and necessary ones. soon.