Letter of Intent and Fair Warning

Feb 23, 2010 01:41

Fruitful and Fair; Dearest and Most Prosperous Country of England,

There is no end to the manifold terms of endearment I have for you. I must ask your forgiveness: I have not written sooner and this is something for which I offer my deepest apologies. I have been very busy with tasks I could not delegate. Only now have I had a moment to compose myself in my unadulterated joy and likewise compose this letter.

It seems you have recently taken quite a liking to my master. I am very happy for you, as I have also taken quite a liking to him. The intention of this letter must strike you as unclear, but allow me to present my point with penetrating clarity: that liking is the matter about which I write.

Why should our hearts not be merry? At long last we have found something in common. Why is it you and I should carry on as strangers who have nothing to do with each other and share precious little to-do over one another? Should we not meet eye-to-eye1 and enjoy each other's company based on our newly-found mutual understanding?

Ah, how terribly exciting!

Now, then: I must propose a meeting you cannot refuse. You may try, of course, if it will make you feel better to protest. I do not mind. Regardless, I shall befriend you till you are no longer who you are. I intend to close the distance between us in meaningful connection and bring this lack of communication to an end.

There are many ways to communicate. Human men employ their logic2 and speak in words. As I am only a butler and as an entity you can only loosely be considered a man, I do not expect we will be bothered much with the matter of words.

I look forward to our meeting. I shall see you presently.

Till that time comes, please expect me.


Sebastian Michaelis
                                                      Loyal Servant of Phantomhive

1 Not to be taken literally. Beside me, you are rather short.
2 I agree -- while it is strange to refer to it as such, I am at loss for a better word to describe what I mean in a language you can clearly understand.

was this supposed to be public? ah well, letter, ic

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