A Study in Damage Control, Picking Up The Pieces, and Problem-Solving.

Jan 09, 2010 19:17


Name: Suou1 Tamaki.
Charged With: Sycophancy.
Evidence: " A stroke of genius, Your Majesty!"
Verdict: Guilty.
Sentence: Death3 by Beheading.
Status: Pardoned.

Name: The Knave of Hearts.
Charged With: Stealing the Queen's Tarts.
Evidence: The Knave of Hearts rhymes with Tarts; obviously he is the one4.
Verdict: Guilty.
Sentence: Death by Beheading.
Status: Pardoned.

Name: Croquet Hoop #24.
Charged With: Bending Irresponsibly.

Verdict: Guilty.
Sentence: Death by Beheading.
Status: Pardoned.

Name: Croquet Hoop #3.
Charged With: Accessory to a Crime.

Verdict: Guilty.
Sentence: Death by Beheading5.
Status: Pardoned.

Name: Croquet Hoop #11.
Charged With: Lascivious Laying.

Verdict: Guilty.
Sentence: Death by Beheading.
Status: Beheaded6.

Name: Red Rose #534.
Charged With: Being too dull.
Evidence: A stunning lack of it.
Verdict: Guilty.
Sentence: Death by Beheading.
Status: Beheaded7.

Name: The Knave.
Charged With: Exceptional Behaviour.
Evidence: Not being the Knave of Hearts.
Verdict: Guilty.
Sentence: Rewarded by Beheading.
Status: Pardoned.

Current Exceptional Behaviour List:

Name: The Knave.
Exceptional Behaviour: Not being the Knave of Hearts; not stealing the Queen's tarts.
Reward: Death by Beheading8.


i. Master Lau: changed yet not changed.
ii. Wolfwood: to be determined. Have yet to see.
iii. Cheshire Cat: a...ah... I9...
iv. Child in Baseball Cap: suddenly more appealing. Perhaps hungry?
v. Young Master: appears to be acting on inner desires. Very charming.
vi. Master Lau's Employee: not quite as ugly10.
vii. Tamaki: ???

  • Procure more living croquet hoops
        The Queen does not prefer inanimate ones.
            ▪ sentences them to death by beheading.
  • Possible candidates:
        The young girl who looks like a boy11.
        The Country of Japan.
        The effeminate looking young man who wanted to eat the rabbit.
        The whining writer.
            ▪ it is very tiring to be the only one12.
  • Cheshire Cat
        ...cute. So soft... I was right, then. So he was healthy at one time.
            ▪ full-figured.
            ▪ curves.
            ▪ ah...
            ▪ very... very appealing13.

1 Suoh? Suo? Do not let the Queen discover possible alternate spellings2.
2 He will order another beheading.
3 One wonders if he considers the finality of his sentence? Ah, well.
4 O-obviously, yes...
5 Oh dear...
6 It is regrettable, but it did not match. It was best to do away with it.
7 Ah... It appears I was too late...
8 Really now! Is this truly the concept of just deserts? I do not mind, but...
9 Come back to this later.
10 Unfortunately will not last.
11 Brunette.
12 How many games does he plan to play?
13 Mmm... I want to touch him.

note, anything the queen requires, the king of hearts, wonderland plot, yes yes..., this is very difficult to prepare..., ic, always so busy..., he really likes cats all right, busy busy..., croquet hoop, unaffected as usual

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