It May Seem Useless, But It Is Not

Jul 25, 2009 16:23

Tamaki -- Complete
  • Refrain from touching any plant life till further notice. (4) (1)
  • Mark all boxes in second floor storage with "1." (2)
  • Move the boxes in first floor storage to second floor storage. (3)
  • Mark all boxes in first floor storage with "2." (1)
  • Move the boxes in second floor storage to first floor storage. (5)
  • Double-check your work carefully. (6)
Note: I expect these tasks to take two days to complete due to the volume of items to be moved. Please do not mix any boxes up. I also ask that you not dawdle for any reason while heading to and from work. Be sure to get plenty of rest. This job will involve lifting heavy objects.

Tamaki -- Additional Items Added 7/26 -- Complete
  • Re-label boxes in first floor storage. (2)
  • Re-label boxes in second floor storage. (1)

Wolfwood -- Complete
  • Purchase torafugu, mushifugu, mafugu [5 of each] (1)

That is all.

Thank you.

Myself - Personal - Complete.
    To be completed after undisclosed duties for to-day are complete.
  • Draft Letter (3) (1)
        ▪ England
                he never did respond.
                (possible rejection?)
  • Re-Write Letter (1) Re-Re-Write Letter (?)
        ▪ Cheshire Cat
                wording inadequate. still not enough?
                (consider stronger sentiment)
  • Close all curtains (vines unsightly) (2)
  • Prepare fugu (5) (2) (1) Still not correct
        ▪ Second attempt
                very difficult.
  • New gloves (4)
        ▪ White
                black will not suffice.

list, always so busy..., busy busy..., oh dear, this is very difficult to prepare..., delegation, ic

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