Well, yesterday we got our copy of SC IV. After watching bfsan playing it for quite some time and playing it myself for a while... I sadly have to say I am disappointed. With alot of things. And pleased with.. well, not much.
Probably the most disappointing part. Not only are some of the character stories completely illogical but they are
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Mhhn... we finished all stories already.. and bfsan is at lvl 46 of the tower now... he did go twenty lvls down too.. the tower is not so very interesting to me and the unlockables are not too great either considering that you have to be careful of what to equip or else you don't have enough points for the skills you want.. lame!
Talim's still my fav, she's lovely, even tho her voice is waaaay too cute (her Japanese at least). Ashlotte... Ashlotte.. was she the robot girl? Oh yes, she was... her story was better than most of the main character's.. but uh, the last sentence destroyed it all, lol. I didn't try playing her yet tho... she was designed by Oh! Great!? Funky! XD
Meh I'm disappointed that Ivy gets less cool with each new SC game.. :( She was my absolute fav in the first.. and I was SO good with her.. now she sucks! ;_; Talim is the bestest evar... and Tira got pretty cool too, gameplay-wise, she sucked big time in III. Her weird ring is still weird tho. But her ending was very amusing, haha. XDD
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