It's so frustrating when the main character is an stupid idiot and it's way more exciting to see how the supporting characters end up together.
Starring at the Airship she mumbles.
Krusche: "The end of the world..."
He enters the hall.
Jack: "Are you going to heaven or something?"
Krusche: " could be hell. Any place that nobody has ever been to."
Jack: "Then... you'll need a body guard."
She turns around to face him.
Krusche: "...maybe."
That was just SO FUCKING CUTE! Really. The most exciting love story in the whole game. -__-
I don't know what's wrong with Lyner. Besides having such a stupid name. He's such a jerk all the time.. o_O I mean.. you typical Datingsim character is too stupid to notice the feelings of the girls around him, but Lyner is just too oblivious. REALLY. He has his cool moments, but overall he just totally SUCKS.
After seeing 3 of the 6 possible good endings I feel no longer motivated to 100% complete this game. I already heard the Misha path is not as great as the Aurica path. But uh well.. It was that bad that I really don't think the Aurica endings will be that much better. I mean, this game is not bad, but when you expect it to be datingsimlike and are looking forward to it like hell it turns out to be just ...blech.
Shining Tears was WAY greater. With more cuter girls. And the gameplay was way more fun. Geez.. this is depressing. ;__; I was hoping for something great when I heard of Ar Tonelico, but it's just a game with a weird world, non challenging battles and a stupid jerk as the main character.
The only good (and most datingsim like) thing in the game was diving into Shurelias mind. That was one hell of fun. But well.. that was just about 1 hour of the game. One hour of eighty. x__X
Ah.. and the OST rocks. Really does!