State of the Wii

Dec 03, 2008 20:02

What's going on? Seriously. I just went through every upcoming Wii release and there are only five games I'm interested in. Five. And one of them is just because it's a game my boyfriend will play with me, I would never get it by myself. Those five games? Deadly Creatures. MadWorld. The Conduit. Power Rangers. Sin and Punishment 2. I've always been at least anticipating more than five titles for a Nintendo system, even in the final years of the GameCube mess.

Where is Nintendo? Publishing the last game there. Where the fuck are the awesome Nintendo games? The only thing Nintendo's got announced right now are Wii Sports followups which I don't give a shit about. Where the fuck are the next Zelda or Mario games Nintendo said would be on the Wii? Where is Kirby? Where are good sequels to established awesome franchises, where are the new hardcore franchises? A Wii-make of a GC Mario baseball game does not count.

Nintendo's been cashing in on the casual market, I get that. I respect that. But what's so wrong with coming out with games for the hardcore user? Mario Kart Wii sold over 10 million units, Super Mario Galaxy over seven million, Super Smash Bros. Brawl over seven million, Twilight Princess over four million... these are not low numbers. No, Nintendo, Metroid Prime 3 didn't as well as expected, but it was still successful.

Please, Nintendo, do more awesome games.

I think I should go on a hunger strike until Eternal Darkness 2 is announced.
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