Jul 21, 2005 20:27
...also i want to do a cultural study on the diversities of language that are comprable to societal standards
like i do, now very badly
1. what is the male equivalent to a "gold digger"
2. spanish feminated/masinulated diction of nouns
3. there is no "is" in hebrew... thenthings just ARE? how can that be? crazy? yes.
i think i had some entry about this before... specifically about hispanic culture
AHHH HAHH, found it. it said this:
a bunch of philosophers, psychologists, and the intellectal for a while prescribed to the idea that language shapes thoughts behavors and culture instead of the other way around
i wonder if hispanics have a more defined sense of sexuality and gender roles. seeing as things are always either masculine or femine. especially since they're language is so similar to english.
so yeah, ditto to that. i think that'd be interesting to study... maybe someday... who were the major linguistic biologists? Chomsky? Erikson? Katz?
whoa: According to Katz, “the nature of the objects which constitute the subject-matter of a science determines the nature of a science” (Katz 1996, 282).
oh wow, i just found this: "Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology is the study of how Mind creates reality though language and behaviour"
i'd like to do that, except find out how the social psychology structure derives its anatomy from linguistics? yeah? plus i dont care for all of that humanistic babbel