Very Important Mini!OTP Poll

Aug 28, 2012 19:21

I'm going mini!otp bonkers over here lately in a very self-centered way. One of the things about these alterna!verses is that we all have our own fanon that we write from, and sometimes I want mini!fic in general because of their cute imaginary faces and sometimes I want my mini!fic!verse that I have hypnotized myself into believing is canon. I watched "Fragile Balance" a few times this week to try and had to forcibly wedge my canon in there because otherwise I get upset watching where mini!Sam is all in our fandom heads OFF CAMERA.

Anyway, I found some very old, very tense-mangled, very unfinished fics of mine in my sprawling mess of "sg1randomness" word docs from 2004-2006! It raised some questions I'd like to crowdsource:

Poll mini!poll 2012!

Also: I totally want mini!OTP prompts. Prompt me for random mini!OTP ficlets / life activities / objects in their home / IDK, I'm desperate and even welcome your crappy song lyrics about love or whatever, really, I'm a mini!junkie at the mo.

mini!otp, very important poll, spark plug

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