Today, in the wayback machine...

Jul 30, 2012 22:08

I've fallen back in love with SG-1 hard. I watched "Window of Opportunity" with anr when she was here and that was the beginning of the end.

Believe it or not, I usually try to make my fandomflail posts have a coherent point (hey, I said try), but indulge me: I'm gonna spaz out about SG-1 in a long-winded bullet-point format here.

I do this suddenly-missing-SG-1 every year or two and every time I end up watching the episodes in the same not so random order, with exactly the same hyperventilating in the same places:
  • "Fail Safe" This is my deserted-island-with-only-one-episode-of-SG-1 episode, because it's almost flawless and it's fun team shenanigans.
  • "Redemption" This one is if I get two episodes on my deserted island - it's very much like "Fail Safe" in that it's snarky, action-packed, the script is tight, and there's no woeangst)
  • "Small Victories" ... same reason, Replicators were awesome then, THOR, Sam's hair, the OH I THINK WE SHIP THEM NOW Y/Y, and Russians! (It's kind of a coincidence, but if the Russians are in an SG-1 episode, I probably love it. Except the Ziggurat one, which I could take or leave.)
  • "Upgrades" Every time I have the same thought process to get here, too: "That's fun and team-y too and I think Sam still has the cute hair... OMG! ANISE I LOVE HERRRR!"
  • Well now you have to watch "Divide and Conquer." I keep thinking this episode will lose its power at some point ("The power of ship compels you!") but nope. At one point, Stargate knew how to do this ship business damn right. I mean, Sam is that sure they're not Zatarcs and Jack knows exactly what she's talking about... but they also clearly have never talked about this. And the shot back up at Janet and Teal'c is the best!

    I love Janet and Teal'c so, so much. I never considered Janet/Teal'c before writing that sentence, but now I kind of wonder if I missed an opportunity for them to be the couple that's cooler than everyone in every possible way.

  • And then I go OH GOD I NEED TO WATCH ALL THE SHIP and I watch "A Hundred Days." (Sam's face in the Sam and Janet scene in this is... okay, I get it, it's kinda weird that THIS is the episode I immediately run to when I want Sam/Jack ship, but HER FAAACE.)

    I love Laira so very much that I was kind of blind to it until this time around, but I just realized that the whole not-immediately-telling-Jack-about-the-radio thing is kind of awful. I only thought of it in terms of her needing a few hours to reconcile herself to losing the man she loves (since she didn't know Teal'c was, like, dying, I gave her a grudging pass on this) but dude, something like three-quarters of HER PEOPLE are trapped on the other side of the Stargate! This isn't just about Jack! FOCUS, LAIRA!
  • At this point I always pause to look for all my old SG-1 fic to roll around in my Sam/Jack feelings. Then I get upset that I didn't write more SG-1 fic to prepare for this moment when I would need it most! Then I try to get a grip, and:
  • "Shades of Gray" because Maybourne and... well, Laira is mentioned. Look, I have a thing about past loves of my ship pairings. I love Sara O'Neill, too. I don't love Sam's ex that we meet in Season 1, but I think that more means that Sam's ex-lover being a douchebag than that I'm more okay with Jack having other lovers than her (although... okay, she just tends to date douchebags). Anyway! This episode! Way to punch Sam in the feelings, show! She doesn't sleep for three months, discovers all these problematic crush-feelings, gets slapped down when Jack isn't happy to come home, and then Jack goes nuts and insults her and peaces out. Although "I haven't been acting like myself since I met you" isn't really an insult, come to think of it. It's probably also true, though I'd give Daniel more credit than Sam at this point for softening Jack. It's really both of them, but Daniel got there first*.
  • Back on the 'ship train! "Solitudes" and oh. God. It makes me just love Sam so much, because she's young and terrified and isn't yet used to overcoming certain doom. She faces a no-win situation and fails, and then she lies down to wait for death, and that's got to shake up her view of life. And in Little Red's SG-1 Ship Fanon, Jack talking about crawling through the desert for Sara shakes up Sam's view of love, too (though Jacob was crazy devoted to Sam's mom, so maybe she was already a hopeless romantic). I don't think she's in love with him at this point, but I think this moment is really what makes her so unable to let go of him.
  • Then I've reached the end of my pre-planned route and get overwhelmed by CHOICES and start wishing Netflix had a randomizer button!
  • I'm pondering doing a Tok'ra'thon. I thought about doing an Asgardathon, but I hear that ends badly.

*Aside: I've been thinking a lot about the Stargate bromance / slash pairings lately. I realized I'd left Rodney conspicuously out of an Atlantis fic so that John would have to reach out to Elizabeth. That got me started on the scary thought that damn, these male relationships really might be more important to John or Jack than their het ship relationships, and what does this mean for me? I don't want to complicate their bromance dynamic with sex and romance, but does that mean I'm just repressing my obvious slash tendencies? What does this mean for meee? And... existential crisis. After the existential crisis, I wondered: would Sam and Jack have even gotten along if the Abydos mission and meeting Daniel hadn't happened? Or if Charlie didn't die and Jack was just still a hardened Black Ops guy? Please tell me someone has written amazing, epic AU fic of the movie with Sam in it, because I really want to know the answer to these questions!

So when I said above I'm pondering doing a Tok'ra'thon, I meant, "I'm totally doing a Tok'ra'thon." (Though I might chicken out before "Threads" because... because... REASONS. I can't think about it or it upsets me.)

So I watched "In the Line of Duty." I didn't get to see SG-1 at all until it hit SciFi, but did you guys FREAK OUT when you saw this episode live? I would have been jumping up and down about how this was the coolest thing to ever happen on this show (SAM IS A GOA'ULD NO WAIT SHE'S A TOK'RA NO WAIT THE TOK'RA EXIST OMG NOW WE HAVE REBEL GOA'ULD AND NINJA GOA'ULD ASSASSINS - I mean, that would be the coolest thing on any show, right?).

Tok'ra time! Jolinar of Malkshur, according to Teal'c, once had armies and tried to overthrow system lords. Jolinar also says the Tok'ra also crave power, but "for a greater good." Since now the Tok'ra basically live in caves, this makes me wonder if they're kind of deposed gentry. Maybe when they were just young Goa'uld spawned of Egeria, the Tok'ra all had their own planets and armies and Jaffa. Then they started educating their serfs, and the system lords kicked them out of the homeowner's association for not oppressing the masses enough. Does that mean Selmak used to have planets? Do the Tok'ra still want to benevolently rule the Goa'uld empires after they overthrow the Goa'uld? (I mean, as a long term goal. For now they all seem more concerned with not getting captured and killed.)

Cassie time! She calls Fraiser "Janet" here, though she's calling her "Mom" by "Rite of Passage." And awww, Jack is so cute with Cassie, and later we find out he spends time at her school, and I was pretty sure this whole time that Jack wouldn't want to have another child after Charlie, but now I'm changing my mind. Maybe. It's so cute.

ALL SHIP ALL THE TIME time! She's his responsibility, and she gets snaked on his watch, and he has to try and save her while also interrogating Jolinar. I love the slow burn of the ship in the first three seasons - they become family first and romantic squeee and woeangst later!


tok'ra'thon, sgwun

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