Drabble meme!

Oct 14, 2010 22:33

I didn't read the fine print before I requested drabbles from phrenitis and aj, so.

The first ten people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing*. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. (If you absolutely can't write, maybe find a creative alternative? Or not. I'm easy.)

*I reserve the right to refuse if I don't know who they are. Or have never seen any source. Although, that would be highly entertaining, so. GO TO TOWN.

Little Red's edits: JUST WRITE ME SPARKY AND WE'LL CALL IT GOOD. Also, bonus points if you post with an icon of the person/pairing you're requesting. :)

Fine print: It's sparktober! Estimate delivery accordingly.

meme, spark plug

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