happy voyager gleee party!

May 03, 2007 23:00

"Shattered" is absolutely my favorite episode of Voyager EVARR. It might even be my favorite episode of TEEVEE evarrr. It is that FULL OF JOY.

Yeah, there are continuity problems and other things that Make Trek Geeks Flail And Go "But Wait!" but it's just a totally faboo episode concept. I'd love it if every show would have an episode where characters from the (beaten, broken, matured) end of the series could interact with the (naive, excitable, hopeful) characters from the beginning. Think how much that would rock on, say, The X-Files -- where this could never have been an episode, but whatev -- if 9th-season Mulder got the chance to redeem himself by going back in time and trying to save a first-season Scully, who wouldn't trust him and who is all Time Travel Is Impossible, MULDER. It would be awesome!

This could be because I love first seasons of just about everything.

So yes. Favorite episode of Voyager ever.

My family has had extensive debates on the following topic for many many years, and I would like to know where the internet stands. For the record:


very important poll, fandom: voyager

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