Jun 22, 2006 22:38
Stupid Alex told me that he emailed Mr. Montez about how he was gonna be in China all summer and couldn't complete his essay, and he convinced me that I should email Mr. Montez too because there was really no way I was gonna get all his summer homework done. Well Mr Montez was NOT "cool about it" AT ALL:
It seems to me that you would have known about this event earlier in the month and that you could have mentioned it to me so that I could better advise you on this matter. If, in fact, you will not have access to research material then I allow you an extension. Your outline and essay are due on the first day of school, September 5, regardless of whether or not you actually have my class that day. You will attach a copy of this message to your work as proof that I have given you an extension (I tend to forget these things). Remember, failure to do these two things will result in a loss of 50% on these two graded assignments. Please send me confirmation of receipt.
Mr. Montez
GAHHH! Now he hates me and the stupid school year hasnt even started yet!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( And secretly I want to get it done cuz I want to get entered in that contest and win cuz I'm sooooo in love with George Washington! haha.
but no seriously, Alex isnt stupid. I like him. and ill miss him when hes in chiiiiina....
And I CANT WAIT TIL CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have no idea!