Last week in CAMP! And Harry Flippin Potter

Jul 24, 2005 08:35

CAMP WAS WICKED GOOD! (of course) Some fun happenins:
  • Thank you God for LEFT HAND TURNS! And the word "it".
  • BREAKFAST--the most important meal of the day! (the hottest too! drools...)
  • I love you like a man!
  • Like more than half of us reading Harry Potter! (ill get to that later)
  • Guys I really am straight!!
  • Girls on the runnn
  • Ted!
  • Dear Wogman....
  • We are stalkers
  • All the hot guys! =)
  • Sophia and I finally not letting GK get between us! hahaha. She is most def the best CIT I have ever ever had!
  • Sonia and Grant got married at last!!! I have the best sis-in-law
  • Throw up at like 12 at night! yuuuuucky
  • Hedge Hog Hike!
  • Corrupting Ted's Pirate class! hehehehe

I missed a bunch I know. I love all you guyys like men!

So now I am gonna be a loser face and update about...HARRY POTTER! So don't read if you dont want! (especaily if you haven't read the book yet!!!) I filled 4 pages front and back on my notes on the book, but here a just a few main points.
  • I FN HATE SNAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! !@#$%^&*(_+=
  • what was Dumbledore thinking all these years??
  • I can't believe he is gone! =( =(
  • I cried at the end. When Hermoine and Ron said they'd always stick by him.
  • Weasley's Wizzard Wheezes is so hardcore! Those two crack me up.
  • Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermonie! I called those pairs waaaayyyy wayyyy back!
  • Lavendar is a whore.
  • The ending was sooooo spiderman!! When Harry breaks up with Ginny because all his loved ones end up getting hurt. (they'll get back together though!)
  • The locket wasn't even real? So Dumbledore was weakened for nothing...
  • Who the heck is R.A.B.?? I don't really think it is Sirius' brother... I kinda thought he was just some stupid kid muggle born hater. But I guess he could have been more important.
  • I had this idea about Snape and the unbreakable vow and the Lexicon sums it up pretty well:  "And Snape, after more or less being tricked into vowing to kill Dumbledore, went to the Headmaster and expained the predicament he was in. One of the two of them had to die, and Dumbledore quickly realized it would make more sense for it to be him, not Snape. So they planned for Dumbledore to spend the year getting Harry up to speed while Snape kept Draco under control, then Snape killed Dumbledore. At the last moment, Snape almost couldn't do it and Dumbledore had to tell him "Severus, please..." Now Snape has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is Voldemort's best and most wonderful supporter, and is therefore in the best possible postion to help the side of good. So, did you figure that one out too?
  • Or maybe Snape is just really, really evil." <
  • JK has soooo much left to cover. I want the 7th book now!!
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