(no subject)

Mar 28, 2006 15:34

Tomorrow I go home. I hop a bus at 3 00 in Concord and then get there 3 hours early so I can sit around for my 7 30 flight. I'm not too excited to leave.

I had a great visit. I think I've grown up a lot in this past like...12 days. I've had lots of long talks with lots of wonderful people, such as my mom, who has probably helped me the most figure shit out that I had no clue, Aaron, Wifey, Hannah, Keisha, and Stace Face...it's all been great. I've come to find a lot of things about myself that I didn't realize.

I'm probably in love. Honestly and seriously and fully. There was one other time where I thought I was, but it wasn't right. I'm not too sure how to handle it because he's up here and I'm down there. I still want the freedom to meet and play with other people, but when all is said and done, he's always there, waiting for me, and everything is just right. Someone said that we're going to get married, and being only 19, I'm soooo not ready for that, but I could honestly see myself marrying Aaron. Maybe in like ten years when I'm ready, but he's my best friend, we're connected on a level that I've never experienced, we make each other laugh...so hard...we're just right for each other. We're soul mates in the fact that in some way, we're supposed to be together, in a romantic relationship or just a blissfully close friendship. Either way, I was meant to meet that boy and build a bridge that will stay for a very long time.

On an entirely different note, I found out that I needed glasses. My eyes had been bugging me for a while and I couldn't see as well, and I found out that my far sightedness was a little shotty, and I have a wee bit of Astigmatism. So I got some hot glasses that I need to wear while driving, reading, sitting at the pooter, and watching tv.

It was a great stretch of time to be home and I had a great time. I've become accustomed to seeing my mom everyday, waking up at my HOME, hanging out with Aaron a lot; it's going to really suck leaving that all behind. The more time I spent here, the more I realized I don't belong down there. I love school and that's great because that's why I moved, but I'm not meant to be there. Ihave some great friends but it just isn't home and I'm not half as happy.

I've also decided to not really try for a band while I"m down there. It'd take so long to find the people you connect with just right and have the time to practice and make all these committments and it's not fair that I'm constantly counting down the days that I can get the hell out. I'm going to focus on my schooling-get as good as I can and practice hard, and work really hard to save up money, and that's what I'll do. THen, I'll go to Boston (hopefully) and start really fulfilling my dream.

I told you I've come to realize a lot. All I can say is that it was good to be home.
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