Mar 06, 2004 00:10
Hello. Kristen and Justine here. We're chillin like villains. Good stuff. Alright so lets recap the night...
Denied the invitation to EL...already ate and felt kinda tired and sick. Sorry Josh, no worries.
So anyways me chris and justine decide to be lazy and come watch a movie over here...
So we need to go rent the movie and so I ask my mom to take us and shes all...
MOM: Well can't Chris take you?
ME: No. Not really. His 6 months aren't up
MOM: Well what if I didn't know about it? *winks*
Haha so she lets us drive with him. So much fun, and then she goes and lies to my dad about it. Yay!
After spending 2845 hours in Blockbuster, we decided on Boat Trip. It was funny. Really funny. But there were alot of boobs...and girls doing jumping jacks...not so fun.
Gem just returned from brushing her teeth. She is sparkling like a peridot. Alright...we're out of here. Goodnight!