completely bizarre

Jun 02, 2005 19:46

-recent events=crazy
Due to a bad experience my friend and I have gone through, I was forced to get 9 stitches. They came out last night..thankfully. They were rather cool and I need to do therapy for the injury now. I can't wait for the scar to appear its going to be really odd shaped and messed up. I took two stitches out on my own cause they were stuck and the doctor made my hand bleed when she tried taking them out. She decided to leave them in and wait for the scab to go away. When I got home one pulled out soo easy and then today as i tweezed the stitch my sister cut and I pulled that sucker out. I can't say I'm going to miss the bandages and splint and stitches and bloody gory-ness, but they were defintly an interesting experience.

So at any rate, tomorrow I get to hand out yearbooks. Photography and Art Editor standing tall and proud.

I've decided on what I'm going to college for. I hope it turns out the way I want it to. I still have time to think I guess, so that is good.

I should be writing a research paper right now but I'm not.

I'm useless.

My finger won't bend.

I've had sudden bursts of happiness lately.
Neck braces. Guard rail. Hippy. (need I say more)

I am broke. Can't work because of the finger.

Summer is on its way
...or not?

I want to start running the beach. Anyone interested?

Justin, you bastard.

Spiders crawled in and died.

Homework? nahhh

I can't wait until summer so we can start our excursions: New York, Florida, drive-ins, Canada (?), Cali (?).
I want to own a good tan once those rays start coming out- of course with an appropriate sunblock.

I made steak today for the family. Steaks got nothin on salad. I don't know where I'd be without those leafy greens.

I should go do homework but instead I'm going to go read a bit about how some lady has problems with her vag (fyi it's a book=The Camera My Mother Gave Me).
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