Thu, 12:01: It is January in Ohio and I currently have short sleeves on and the windows open. #climatechange
Thu, 12:16: RT @ BobNBC4: IT'S A RECORD DAY! Temperature at John Glenn International hit 67 tying the record set in 1916! Can we beat it before temps st…
Thu, 13:06: Agreed. I'm against Sessions because he's a racist hick, but let's avoid the wedge issues of abortion and guns plea…
Thu, 13:06: RT @ aravosis: Each star represents a CIA officer who died for our country. Donald Trump just called them all worthless hacks.…
Thu, 17:42: RT @ bubbaprog: Here's the moment Russia Today took over the C-SPAN1 feed. Unclear what happened. RT aired for about ten minutes before C-SP…
Thu, 21:12: RT @ CarrollDoherty: Huge race gap among police officers (& public) on whether more change is needed to give blacks equal rights. https://t.…
Fri, 06:57: RT @ BLMedieval: What does Capricorn look like? Medieval artists took their best guess in Cotton Tiberius B V/1, Sloane 3983, Royal 13 A XI,…
Fri, 09:10: RT @ Pontifex: Children forced to flee, especially if fleeing alone, are most defenceless and vulnerable. Let's pray for them and help them.…