So I'm doing my Political Theory conference project on Dune. My school rocks.
My other two classes, though, are still bereft of a project. Really, I have no idea what to do. But who cares!
I watched a cumulative three-four hours of UK Whose Line is it Anyway? on youtube; Tony Slattery, Paul Merton, and Mike McShane are geniuses. I played an amazing marathon of Starcraft games. I bought two books and I ate a derrishous burger wif
fell_down, and a myriad other fun things were done. Good weekend, of the accomplish-nothing-ultimately-productive variety.
Also, wondering why amazing people are attracted to me whom I'm not interested in. Come to think of it, wondering why the reverse also seems to happen. And, thirdly, wondering why both seem to happen with more frequency when I'm in a relationship.
sladuuch is looking over my shoulder, and it's creepy. Now he turned off the light, like a jerk. Therefore, I am done now, and he can rotte in thee flaymeing pits of helle, wherre he mayest suffere eternalle damnaytione, whilst forcéd to worke withe nothinge butte Delle computerres runninge Windowes 3.11 for Workegroups. Alsoe, hee hast to useth halfe-ply toylette paperre to wipest his fecal mattere whenst he doth shitteth outte of the eyesockettes that he once possessed butte gougéd out after being forcéd to watch a video of Bille Gaytes yodelinge with Satre Jonese while dancinge nude and smothered in aerosol anchiove spraye.