(no subject)

May 01, 2006 15:39

i wish squanto and his dudes woulda tomahawked every european prick that got off that fuckin boat. illegal immigration suckas, annnnd now youre dead. what about the indians? what do they have to say about george bush? what about the 6 eskimos left in alaska? what about the south africans? what about the iraqis?? what about ALLLL the places america has put its dick in in the last 200 years? give me your tired, poor, huddled masses. unless theyre not legally documented citizens. in that case let them wallow in the inopportune vat of poverty that they were unlucky enough to be born in. we dont want thier crazy monkey diseases, or thier insane ability to endure ANY labor conditions thrown at them because of the fact that unlike us, they have seen how bad things can be and american lives are no where near that point.

propagandhi - "A friend of mine dropped me a line, it said, man, I gotta run to the usa. I got no money, got no job. she skipped out of mexico to stay alive. you’ve got a problem with her living here what did you do to help her before she fucking came? what did the country do? what did the people do? I stand not by my country, but by people of the whole fucking world. no fences, no border free movement for all. fuck the border. it’s about fucking time to treat people with respect. it’s our culture and consumption that makes her life unbearable. fuck this country; it’s angry eyes, its E-jerk hordes. legal or illegal, watch her fucking go. she’ll take what’s hers. watch her fucking go. fuck the border."

Some people have to stay and fight for survival in the country they live in while others have to leave to survive. corporations cross international borders all the time in search of people to exploit For profit and no one stops them. they call it globalization. on the other hand, the victims of corporate domination are told that they can’t cross borders in search of better lives, and are forced To stay and deal with the social, economic and environmental messes the companies leave behind when they inevitably move their operations to places with even more favorable business climates (ie: lower wages, lax environmental laws, tax breaks). looks like capitalism and human-rights don’t mix.

anyone whos against illegal immigration needs to go pick strawberries for a day, and live in a little hut with pesticides burning your skin off while sitting on a dirt floor and ask themselves the question, "why the fuck am i fighting to keep people from doing this is just so i can eat some fuckin strawberries?"
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