It says I posted 3 weeks ago...

Jul 10, 2009 16:11

& thats exactly how long its been since I quit smoking. So boo ya!

Not so much has happened since I last wrote, at least not to me.

I don't think I wrote about it, but I made and ordered my very own business cards for my photography. I took the picture on the card and designed it myself. I got 250 cards for $30 bucks. & they came out better than I thought! I think I did it through FedEx's website. Anywho, I love handing them out and I even get to put them out at my work! So people who come in can take one! So exciting. :D Heres a pic of it:

The whole Becca Rose Photography 'business' is going great. People are asking me tons of questions about what I charge and what my style is. Its so weird, but amazing at the same time. I can't really put into words how it makes me feel. It is really rewarding. :D I have a couple shoots lined up for the next 2 following weekends. The one I am super excited about is my friend Hillary's birthday party. She is hiring me to take pics at the party. & is paying me $100 bucks to do it. I can have a good time with old friends and capture those moments for her! All while making some money. It just makes me so happy and appreciative so have these people like my work. Ahhh words don't even explain it!

My parents came over to my apartment for 4th of July weekend. It was the first time I had hosted a dinner gathering. We went to the apartment pool and I cooked Jenna Fischers sticky chicken recipe. It is soo yummy. Everyone loved it, which is good. ha

Tomorrow morning Tony and I are driving up to Prescott to his Aunts cabin and resturant. This mini road trip will be our first 'vacation'. haha Even though we aren't leaving the state, it will be our first getaway together. So happy. I'm at work right now and I really want to go home and start packing and getting ready for it. I think we are leaving at like 5am or so.

Anywho that seems like a good enough update for me! So sorry I've been slacking but I've been so busy. LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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