Bye, Bye Season 4 of The Office. :(

May 15, 2008 12:06

SO for the past 2 days I've been sick. Somehow I only caught a cold or something.
Monday I left work early and Tuesday & Wednesday I was out.
Let me explain my jobs' calling out system.
You need to have a valid reason to call out. I.e. Sick, Death, Jury Duty, or you took time off ahead of time.

Alot of people in my office don't really care. They come in late, just don't show or have lame excuses. Me, I am always on time. I am never absent, unless I am ill. So when I leave work because I am feeling really hot, I can't breathe because my nose is so stuffy and I feel nauseous. Don't you think thats a valid 'reason' for me to leave.

WELL, I walked up to one of my managers and asked if I could go home because I wasn't feeling well, she said I would have to wait and see if we have enough people on the floor. (Like because I wasn't deathly ill or throwing up everywhere, she had to think about it) But she finally let me leave, 30 mins after I asked her. Oh it gets better!

So Tuesday morning I was totally not feeling it. Because I was up all night blowing my nose and back and forth to the bathroom thinking I was going to puke, but I never did. I had horribly bad heartburn though. So I was up at 7am, I decided I wasn't going to be able to go into work. Now I would have to call out. When I get ahold of one of my managers, I explaind what had been wrong and that I wouldn't be in. My manager asked me if I would be going to the doctor. I said maybe. (Question: Why the fuck would I go to the doctor for them to tell me I have a viral infection and all I would need to do is rest and drink lots of fluids?, WOO $25 copay down the drain, hahaha I dont think so.)

I called out Wednesday too, because I still felt icky. My manager told me I would probably be getting occurances. I could care less, if you give me a fucking 'occurance' which is a marking system my job have if you miss work. It effects you if you get more than 2 in a month, when you get your bonus. She also said "well, okay sea ya tomorrow." As if she was some sort of Fortune teller who could see into my future. HA HA.

So that brings me to today. I am at work. Like a good employee. Sneezing around the office, leaving my desk every 30 mins to blow my nose because I don't want to disturb my fellow co-workers. Plus I sound like a dude or some 50 years smoker on the phone, because my throat is kinda sore and my nose is still stuffy.

& there ya have it, Suck it bitches!!!

He calls me on his breaks.
He wrote me a very cute text about how he felt about me.
He came to visit me while I was sick.

He loves me!
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