May 16, 2004 07:47
Alice and I talked on the phone for quite a while last night.
We talked about my birthday, and money... I have about 200 dollars in expenses in the next three weeks...
She syas that she will spend lots of money on me, and I might end up just borrowing some from her, and paying her back as soon as I get a job.
She also says that Ashley might just surprise me and dole it out. I am hopping she does, but Karma says the more I think about it, the less my chances are.
Myrt brought me a big plate of cookies, and a lovely card with some cash in it last night.(A ten) I had told her when my b-day was but I guess she forgot and thought it was yesterday. She hung out for a while, and I thanked her profusely.
I still have to invite everyone to dinner on thursday. I hope they can make it...