(no subject)

Nov 01, 2004 17:03

well its time for my once a couple months entry. im just going to skip around from topic to topic so try to follow.

things have been going real swell latley.

i was definatly fond of this weekend well starting thursday then going into the weekend, it was fun. thursday i saw social distortion. yay. and the weekend, well without going into massive detail, was just alot of fun.

rob and i had 4 months last monday.

i dont know what else to say, but i guess ill just leave with this song which describes how i feel towards some people latley.

Poor you, you brought this on yourself,
Don't look at me for help,
You're on your own this time!
Not gonna let you bring me down
Not gonna turn my world around for you anymore
It's time to Breakaway
No more after today
Been in your web for too long..

ill update again in ohhh i dont know another month or so.
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