Sep 14, 2008 11:25
i haven't writen in here in over a maby i do care what other ppl think....but just a handful of ppl...and not very much. its kinda sad but i think my memory has gone to shit since i stopped writing in here, i mean granted it got fucked real hard when i was working and going to school, but now i cant remember a lot of random shit that i need to remember from school, its the little things. i guess what they say is true, writing things down from the day helps ur memory. maby if i write in here more often itll help, but i dont kno if i have time or care to.
went to christians party last night, left at like 3am. played rock band for a number of hours and got a little more practice in with drums and guitar. it was funny watching beer pong with ppl who dont play very often, its sad when i kno more about how to play than the ppl playing, but o well. rachael got really drunk real quick cause she weighs like 5 lbs and then disappeared and we assumed she was being raped by christian...then we heard a loud smacking sound and her voice all freaked out...we decided to finish the song before seeing if she was ok, good times. thats about it for an otherwise uneventful day. o wait no i helped katie learn physics homework that was due the day before.
as for the real reason im here, i was thinking to myself about creation stories and the bible. as we all kno, u cant fight a religious person using logic, its like they have logic proof vests on or something. instead u have to attack something they think is right and infallible. so in the very beginning of the bible it tells tale of of how god created man then took a woman out of his chest and gave them animals to play with and a bunch of plants and at least 2 of the plants were conceptual plants, like the "tree of knowledge of good and evil" and the "tree of life and death". obviously if u eat of the tree of life and death u die. but the bible also says "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.' of course we kno eve ate the apple (and thats why women shoudlnt have rights) but they didnt die. apparently some scholars suggest what god meant was u will die eventually, but it seems to me god is being somewhat of a liar. anyway, the real argument is that they didnt eat from the tree of good and evil, they ate from the tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil. this suggests that they were doing good and evil things the entire time they were there and didnt kno any better. this means that all those lessons about god not liking sin and the necessity of being pure arent entirely accurate. god let his first creations sin all they damn liked and it was perfectly fine because they didnt kno any better. which leads me to the conclusion that i can sin till the end of eternity and ill still end up in heaven under the simple condition that i be unaware of my sin. obviously its a little be difficult to oblivious of sin, u feel the guilty feeling in ur heart when u do something bad...but if u truly believe u did the right thing on a complicated issue then according to genesis chapter 2 ur still in the clear. Ex) dexter is a serial killer but he only kills other serial killers, therefore the morality gets a little complicated, but if he believes its something that has to be done then apparently god is fine with him being a serial killer, because god cant communicate directly with him and say "bitch stop that", he doesnt kno any better and its ok.
interestingly, this presents a bit of a situation to the established religious foundation. on the one hand, it dramatically simplifies the ability of individuals to be spiritually fulfilled, which is of course the primary reason why religion exists in the first place. however, on the other hand, simplifying all of morality down to "god wont hold it against u if ur heart was in the right place, u did what u thought was best and its not what god wanted but god didnt tell u any differently" essentially eliminates the need of the church to exist. the church is one of the largest and most powerful organizations of all time. psychology teaches us that power makes ppl want more power, and the chruch has always had a hold on the minds of the masses, telling them what to do, and not always for what appears to be the will of god. also, biology teaches us that all entities struggle to survive, and that when doom is inevitable, entities overwhelmingly favor next of kin over more distant relatives. for example, if the catholic church were to collapse, then they would try to shepherd their followers into some other form of Christianity rather than let their followers go to Buddhism. from these observations of nature, we can infer there is a very minuscule probability that any church of Christianity would ever preach this, as doing this would both become self destructive to themselves and limit their control of their members.
idk give me ur feedback. it seems to me that no amount of attacking the establishment will cure ppl of their religious addiction. manage to convince a catholic that Catholicism is of the devil and theyll just go off to be evangelical. the real stratagy is to attack their sense of morality, what is right and what is wrong, hit them hard in the soft areas and make them think for themselves. if im right and there is no absolute morality then u cant possibly fail because either view in a morally gray problem is correct, thus its just a matter of time until questioning their morality jump starts their brain to think on its own and question how they feel about religion as a whole, at which time u can discuss the shortcomings of the chruch. this method should be more efficient at conversion and overall societal increases in philosophical thought because the questioning of morality should in theory be a larger catalyst encompassing more than simply is this religion right for me