(no subject)

Oct 21, 2006 20:22

im terribly terribly bored. i feel oddly trapped. i dont want to go outside but i dont want to do anything here. i kno i need to study, and study like a mother fucker at that. i got an f on my quiz, and that was just the halfway point, plus i thought i knew what i was doing for the quiz. since then ive actually admited to myself that i dont have a fucking clue as go what im doing altho i still think i should have known what i was doing for the quiz, which means i really really fucking lost. but i cant seem to work on it, and i tried doing my lab but i realized i think i copied down the concentration wrong and it called the 2 ppl i kno in that class and neigther of them picked up. and i hate leaveing messages, altho i might have to. goes back to the whole not wanting to do anything thing. blah. i dont feel like warcraft. i tried doing stuff on kazaa cause i havent in a long time and this computer has no music, but all the music i got from there doesnt work, or it has like a bus in the background or something lol. so just maby im gona have to get some kind of torrent thingy....and to use it, ive tried my best to not learn how, and i think someone sent it to me once and i couldnt figure out how to use it...so i didnt. but if all my fucking songs stop halfway thru and make fucking beeping sounds then i guess i might have to. and i started watching bleach lol, im on episode 3. im still sure why its better than naruto, but im sure ill figure it out with time? and eveytime i open the folder with the bleach files in it my comptuer tells me that windows explorer hsa encountered a problem and needs to close...which led me to the realization that this computer doesnt have any kind of antivirus on it. fuck. im very not myself these days, i dont want to be freaking out about my not being able to remmeber shit cuase then when i take the test im not in the same mind state as when i learned it (freaked out) and ill do bad and itll make a downward spiral. and i cant force myself to study, i dont kno how im gona learn except do a shit load of homework and problems, but ahh, i probably wont end up doing half of what i need to do and what i do wont help for some reason or another. i get the feeling im gona fuck up this test royaly. good thing next week is the last week of work, i can actually come home at 3 after my labs and work on them as son as i get home. lol i think i write longer entries when im bored out of my mind. i wish sarah would get on. i went to bed at 8 or 830 last nighg and she she tried talking to me at 9ish (she signed off at 930) and i was completely out. i think im not getting enough sleep for some reason, i dont kno im not takeing my naps like i normally do, but im not sure why im not...o well. ok im gona go back to being productive i guess
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