Mar 02, 2007 00:32
On John Boy and Billy this morning (3/1/07), the Stupid Quiz (correct answer: take C and win) question was about Al Gore.
The man who is one of the key figures in the 'No More Global Warming' world has a power bill that is well more than double what the average American family pays per month. In addition, his power bill for the month of August alone was more than what the average American family pays in a year. Representatives replied that Gore's power bills are high because...
A) His house is bigger than the average American family.
B) He has a lot of guests over.
C) Anybody who sucks the electricity out of a room upon entering it is bound to have a huge power bill.
This has nothing to do with anything, but I thought you'd like to know. I found it to be quite funny.
I got to play with little kids this morning. It was great! We built a pyramid out of blocks and then proceeded to knock it down, we pretended we were canibals, we colored pictures of puppies and birdies, and we had goldfish and pretzels. Yum! Also, I changed a dirty diaper on a 4-month-old. She was probably the cutest thing ever. Children amaze me. They'll pretend anything, play anything, say anything, and not even think about it. It's not because they have no conscience or anything, but because all of their games are fun games, not mean ones. And their comments usually make sense to themselves and that's it.
For example...
Me: *upon seeing one girl kicking an upside down box with two babydolls under it* What are you guys doing?!
Kid: We're killing them!
Me: Killing them! Why are you killing them?!
Kid: Because their families are dead and we're killing them so if they come back to life they'll see they're dead too.
Me: Yes, but why?!
Kid: Because we're cannibals!
Yeah, exactly. Note that this kid proudly stated that she was four. I'm almost certain she has no clue what a cannibal is or what they do.
At any rate, that was the high point of my day. Kids are great. I can't wait to have my own someday. Thursdays have even more a reason to be awesome now. And we get paid for it! Woohoo! Kids, money and cannibals!