Mar 05, 2006 14:25
Tonight... I will be seeing Penfold re-unite one final time, at a place i used to consider home. Could it get any better? Not only am I seeing perhaps my absolute favorite band of all time, a band that changed my life, my view of music, my view of lyrics, my view of society, my view of relationships, and my view of love, but I will be sharing the moment with people who mean alot to me, people who feel the same way about this band as me.
I hate shows. I despise going to them, I hate the crowd, I hate the enviornment... I guess i got spoiled by the good times, because shows have lost their touch to me. But this is something completly different. This might be the spark I really needed to get me started. An emotional breakthrough perhaps of the most beautiful music on the face of the Earth.
- Last friday a car slammed into the side of Guitar Center, nearly minutes after I had a smoke break... in the very same spot.
- I Judged the bamboozle battle of the bands that sucked ass, but got paid 125 bucks to do it.
- I made 3 connections in the past week for future job opportunities. Those being, The Aquairian, WRAT, and Music Choice... & possibly Jive Records if I can get in touch with Michelle (Wsou alumni who works there that I met briefly last night).
- I got the Rent DVD, and have watched it multiple times since Wednesday, and have no plans on not continuing this patter.
- Ms. Lizz makes me very happy =)
- I got new sneakers, and new pants finally.
- My stomach is being eaten alive by Baja Fresh, thanks to Greg and Mannys obsession of us going EVERY tuesday and thursday.
- In the world of music... I've suddenly realized... all good bands, are either forming, haven't written anything in the past two years, or have broken up... the rest just fucking suck. Its a sad thing, when I see in Alternative Press, the magazine I depend on exposure to new bands, and every single band is compared to My Chemical Romance, AFI, and Green Day. Whatever happened to the days when Chris and I would bump into Gerard and Frankie & shoot the shit, and they just didnt give a fuck about being in unison. Frankie had fucking dreads, and Gerard was obsessed with silk cowboy shirts, and Jackolanterns. My Chemical Romance is not My Chem anymore. I realized how much I really fucking despise their last album recently. I am sick of the same shit over and over again.
- My friendship with alot of people has been recovered. I'm glad Mike, Rocky, Anthony, are all somewhat part of my life again. I missed that crowd.
- Miss Lizz, still makes me very happy =)
- I need a band.
For now that should be enough.
Wildwood is going to be amazing.
MY vacation in June is gonna be wonderful.
My summer is going to be phenomonal
I can finally say... Life is starting to balance again.
I just need to really focus, and not get so distracted and balance life and school better
then Im set.