Title: Everything Goes Dark Chapters 5-7
ladywilde, Matt, and Chris
Overall Pairings: Elle/Eden, Elle/Claire, Sylar/Mohinder, Peter/Sylar, Nathan/Peter, Elle/Adam, and Claire/Peter (unrequited)
Overall Characters: Eden, Elle, Bob, Bennet, Adam, Sylar, Claire, Peter, Nathan, Hiro, Mohinder, and Parkman
Genre: Drama, Angst, Dark Future Fic
Overall Rating: NC-17
Summary: An AU fic based on the Five Years Gone Verse
Word Count: Indicated in every chapter.
Spoilers: Light spoilers for Volumes 1 and 2
Overall Warnings: Violence, Character Death, Sex, Incest (Graphic Only In Chapter 2), Non-Con (Only In Chapter 6)
Notes: Dedicated to
slavefaith. And a big thank you to
ladywilde80 for helping me with the inspiration and to Matt and Chris for giving me the courage to post! Constructive criticism is always loved and comments, even if it’s to say you hate it, are always appreciated too. Title from "Everything Goes Dark" by The Hoosiers
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, if I did, well...wouldn't Heroes be interesting?
Chapter One ,
Chapter Two,
Chapter Three,
Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven X-Posted Everywhere
Note: Granted, Chapters 1-4 don't contain much Sylar/Mohinder, but they do have greatly needed plot development. The more male-orientated slash arrives in chapter 5.