Fic: Touch Faith

Mar 21, 2009 09:45

Author: levitatethis
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 4, 446
Characters: Mohinder, Peter, Hiro, Molly, Monica, Tracy, Claire, Sylar
Summary: Captured and detained, Mohinder's mind goes through a series of possibilities.
Warning: Nothing I can think of.
A/N: I wrote this some time after the promo for V4 was shown and way before the first episode for V4 aired. It centers around the scene we were shown of two hands reaching for each other (which we now know was Peter and Mohinder). The show actually did a good job with it (much to my surprise)...making this fic feel even more redundant. It is what it is.

The rest is history.

character: claire, rating: pg-13, character: molly, character: hiro, character: peter, fic

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