Fanboys 1/1

Mar 16, 2009 21:44

Title: Fanboys
Author: Doctor_Caduceus (whatup)
Rating: Hard R, light NC-17? Meh.
Wordcount: 2,713
Spoilers: S3 acquired abilities, allusions to certain new characters from Fugitives arc, slight spoiler for Star Trek III
Warnings: Nerdy, nerdy sex, and my standard diabetes induction.
Disclaimer: I own not a thing.
A/N: For YAHAKM prompt: Sylar/Mohinder, Star Trek cosplay, Sylar wants to go to the latest Star Trek movie in cosplay and to get Mohinder to go with him, shows off his Mr. Spock uniform, complete with ears and gets a very enthusiastic response. ;D
Summary: Mohinder and Sylar find yet another thing they have in common.

Follow the fake cut to May 8th and beyond!

Crossposted like bats.

genre: crack, happy ending, rating: nc-17

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