Mylar, duh.
Rated NC-17 for pr0n
1800 words
A little silly. But how can one avoid that in 1st person Sylar?
What happened after the preview scene? A/N: You were all thinking it anyway! >>;
this is called...
Ca: "Hope is great, we need caffeine"
Ca: that is so my new saying for LIFE
Ca: thankyou dr suresh
megganisms : heehee
Meggy: and then have zane/sylar? go "you know what's better than caffeine?"
Meggy: and mohinder can be like "i dunno, what?"
Meggy: and zane/sylar can be like "*POUNCE*"
Meggy: *HUMP*
Ca: i am so posting this convo on the comm with my fic, you know
Meggy: good!
Meggy: it'll be the perfect way to introduce me
Sylar/Mohinder RP coming soon from team CaMe ;)