Fic: Bed, PG

Sep 09, 2008 02:52

Title: Bed
Author: hapihermit 
Character(s): Sylar, Mohinder, Gabriel, Virginia, Chuck
Rating: PG, sad and fluffy.
Word Count: 1537
Spoilers: Season 1
Disclaimer: NBC owns Heroes and Chuck.
Summary: Sylar remembers something from his past.
A/N:  I don't know why I included Chuck in this. Well, I do, I think Levi and Quinto together rocks. Chuck is not working in Buy More anymore. I could've written some random person, but noooo. Hehe. Non-beta'd.

This fic is inspired by Death Cab For Cutie's Your New Twin Sized Bed.

(Click Here.)


I have fics reposted to my journal that I wrote from the Heroes Anonymous Kink Meme a few months ago. They're all there if you want to read them. :)

character: gabriel, rating: pg, genre: fluff, character: virginia, fic

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