Title: When The Time Is Right Pairing: Mohinder/Sylar Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 1168 Warning: dubcon Summary: As a company man, Mohinder keeps a tight schedule these days. Author Notes: Written for the Heroes KINK Meme.
Mohinder = A Company Man...I actually hadn't thought of it that way...
And DAMN, this was dark! And I love dark things, so yum, ^_^ I still don't like a top Mohinder much, but in this story, it just works and makes a hell of a lot more sense by the end. To think Sylar could be that broken down sort of makes me smile, though I find it hard to believe. Either way, it just fits the picture you painted. Perfect!
I really enjoyed this, thanks for posting. I hope you have a great New Years!
Wow. This was unexpectedly dark. I was definitely not prepared for Mohinder to not only be such a Company Man but using his position to so callously break to pieces Sylar on a daily basis. I'm not used to the flip of the tables so this is definitely one of the most memorable fics I've read...you've done very good job differentiating this Mohinder (what could be) from the one we've so far grown accustomed to on the show.
Comments 13
And DAMN, this was dark! And I love dark things, so yum, ^_^ I still don't like a top Mohinder much, but in this story, it just works and makes a hell of a lot more sense by the end. To think Sylar could be that broken down sort of makes me smile, though I find it hard to believe. Either way, it just fits the picture you painted. Perfect!
I really enjoyed this, thanks for posting. I hope you have a great New Years!
You do a wonderful job about where it could all lead....
I really enjoy how this offers the vulnerable side of Sylar and morally dubious side of Mohinder...Oftentimes it's vice versa.
great piece of fiction
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