Title: Welcome to Hell
Rating: R for safety.
Genre: Speculative next episode.
Pairings: Dream-trap Mylar.
Word Count: 661
Warnings: Watch Heroes. Every episode. Otherwise, it’s not safe here for you. I’m not religious and I apologize for any allegorical stuff.
Disclaimer: If any of us owned Heroes, Claude would not have left.
Summary: The promo showed us Sylar in Mohinder’s apartment. I went off on a tangent after I recovered from my death-by-SQUEE.
Dedication: To levitatethis for her awesome fic ‘Twisted’ which inspired the mind-trap.
My Thoughts: During a massive-catch-up I thought how hysterical it would be if Sylar managed to kidnap half the cast. The dream-trap was WAY TOO MUCH FUN to write and I was planning on putting more but I wanted to post this before tonight’s episode.