Fic: Second Chance

Jun 04, 2007 17:45

Title: Second Chance
Characters/Pairings (for this chapter): Gabriel/Mohinder, implied Nathan/Peter; Appearances by: Angela, Peter, Simon, and Monty Petrelli, and Bruce Campbell because no Spider-Man movie is complete without him
Rating: R
Warnings: m/m, AU, OOC, sexual references, blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to Nathan/Peter, a lot of angst and fluff, slightly crack-y, Mohinder dancing and Gabriel trying to dance, a sketchy recipe for an Indian omelette, and Angela Petrelli needs to be a warning
Spoiler alert: Up to ".07%," some spoilers for Spider-Man 3
Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes, Spider-Man 3, or Bruce Campbell.
Word Count: 4,724
Summary: After the fight with Peter Parker Petrelli, Sylar gets amnesia. Mohinder takes advantage of the situation to help Sylar start over again.
Notes: There can never be enough happy Mylar fics, and I'm pleased to provide one after watching Spider-Man 3. Don't ask why I was thinking about Mylar during that movie. It was also influenced by a post in a certain comm, which I won't link to because of potential spoilers.

( Fake LJ-Cut!)

x-posted to heroes-fic, heroes-slash, mature-heroes

happy ending, genre: fluff, genre: angst, rating: r, character: gabriel, character: peter, fic, character: angela

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