[fic] How You Sleep (9/12?)

Jun 10, 2012 20:40

This community's a bit of a tumbleweed farm, but I'm finishing what I started!

Title: How You Sleep - Chapter 9: Quiet Approach (9/12?)
Pairing + Characters: Mylar + Peter, Claire, Matt, Sylar/"Nathan"
Rating (Overall): R
Warnings: Mpreg! BS science! Fairly dark! Consent issues!
Summary: After being doused with the complete formula, Mohinder copes with a lingering side effect as he and everyone around him try to rebuild their lives and their trust.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or their universe.
Word Count: 4453

( Claire screamed, ducking behind the table with Mohinder. )

character: claire, rating: r, character: peter, character: matt, character: nathan, fic

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