Fanart: Random Sketches

Mar 27, 2011 22:00

This comm has been far too quiet, wouldn't you agree?

I've had these drawing hiding away in my old sketchbook so I didn't remember them until this evening and that was completely by chance.

These were inspired by late night chats with gaiafaye while rewatching seasons 3 - 4 of Heroes. A lot of craziness came out of that lol

1. Butterfly!Mohinder. Remember in season 3 when Mohinder made that huge cocoon of goo? While theorizing what was supposed to happen if the eclipse hadn't interrupted his cocooning process, gaiafaye joked that he would have turned into a butterfly. Thus, this picture (and this cracky fic) were born.

2. For some reason we made a joke about Sylar being afraid of flashlights and for the life of me I can't remember where it came from. Peter's holding the flashlight because in the Pilot episode when he and Simone break into Isaac's apartment, Peter pulls out a flashlight from his man-purse... that always struck me as odd.

3. If Danko really wanted to control Sylar, all he had to do was tempt him with the unconscious Mohinder he had locked up in Building 26. :P

4. I believe this is actually supposed to be Zachary Quinto and Sendhil Ramamurphy, not Sylar & Mohinder. I think the joke was that Zach and Sendhil had fallen in love filming the road trip and the real reason the Mylar scenes were cut down was to save Sendhil's marriage. Weird, I know XP

5. And finally Prostitute!Mohinder. For some reason the Fugitive arch brought on a lot of jokes about Mohinder selling his body to get by. We are sick sad people :P

genre: crack, rating: pg, art, character: peter, silliness

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