looking for a fic

Dec 29, 2010 01:48

Hello all, I´m new here and very happy to have found this community! (If this kind of post is not allowed, please delete!)

I`m desperately looking for a certain fic, in which Sylar manages to acquire the ability of "foresight" from a woman, only this time he sees and experiences every possible alternate reality, in which he and Mohinder find and eventually love each other. At first Gabriel Gray shows special abilities and becomes either a physician, a physicist etc... while meeting Mohinder on the way and beginning a life with him.
One of the last possible "realities" Sylar experiences is him being a simple caretaker of the building Mohinder, who is teaching at the university, also lives in. They become friends first (Mohinder speeds it up by secretly sabotaging various technical units to have a reason to call Gabriel) and finally admit that they love each other and start a fulfilling relationship. (There is this lovely scene of Gabriel being driven nuts by the broken air-conditioning unit - its high summer - and Mohinder distracts him with making love in front of the open fridge...)
Sylar "wakes up" again after this last vision and realizes that he has nearly thrown away any possible future with Mohinder with his actions and that he doesn´t need to be a special person for the other man and contacts Mohinder.

So, I can almost cite whole paragraphs of the fic but I know neither the title nor the author of said wonderful piece. *facepalm* I would greatly appreciate it, if someone could tell me one or both, it drives me nuts not to find the story again :-)

Thank you so much and warmest regards to you all!
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