FIC: If You Were the Last Man on Earth: Book 3 - Summer (4/4)

Nov 15, 2010 10:27

Title: If You Were the Last Man on Earth
Book Three: Summer (4/4)
Author: seraphtrevs
Pairing: Mohinder/Sylar
Rating: R
Word count: this part: ~5,400
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit made, etc.
WARNING: Violence
Spoiler alert: up through the end of season 2
Summary: AU - It's been a year and a half since the Shanti virus dropped and devastated the planet. After refusing to conduct inhumane experiments in the search for a cure, Mohinder is made into an unwilling test subject by his former colleagues. When Mohinder thinks that things can't get any worse, he is unexpectedly rescued by Sylar, who has plans that include world domination, ultimate power, and domestic bliss. Mohinder isn't sure he's better off.

Previous parts:

Book One: Winter
Chapter One: A Dubious Rescue, an Improbable Savior, and the Subtle Pleasures of Accurate Time-Keeping
Chapter Two: Clockwork Comfort and Terrifying Tenderness at the Rest and Service Station
Chapter Three: The Trouble with Cockroaches, or Domestic Bliss in Piedmont, Missouri
Chapter Four: How to Keep Your Man: And Keep Him for Good

Book Two: Spring
Chapter One: Better Homes and Gardens and a Happy New Year
Chapter Two: The Morning After, Or a Prophecy Fulfilled
Chapter Three: Lies and Stormy Skies

Book Three: Summer
Chapter One: Familiarity Breeds Consent
Chapter Two: The Capital of the World
Chapter Three: A Monster Then, A Dream

Chapter Four: Out of Eden
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