Title: Arabian Nights
starrdust411Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Mohinder/Gabriel
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The story of a prince, a watchmaker, and the magical lamp that changed their lives.
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or Aladdin.
Warnings: Humor, Slash, AU, Language
Chapter 1|
Chapter 2|
Chapter 3|
Chapter 4
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Yes it is you perv! If you're a weirdie like me and still have your old VHS copy of Aladdin, fast forward to that scene and put on the close captioning XP
That always bothered me about the movie too. It's just terrible foreign policy.
I think the best way to explain that problem away is that Razoul is a dick and hates Aladdin and people who remind him of Aladdin.
I'm going to go ahead and assume Nirand's job has less to do with preventing Mohinder's virtue from being taken and more to do with preventing him from giving it away.
More great parenting moments from Chandra:
Chandra: Here Mohinder, since I'd rather see you dead than a slut, I'm giving you this bengal tiger as a pet.
5yearold!Mohinder: Father there are so many things wrong with what you just said... But I've got a kitty! Yay!
Stay classy, Thompson.
Hey, Thompson can't help it if he needs the misery of young children to live. You know that in the series Thompson tortured Molly nightly while she was in the Company's care.
Thompson: What's that you're doing, sweetie? Coloring? That's great. Well, you should be helping me find bad people, but since you're too busy with your drawings I'm sure you won't mind if more children witness their parents get slaughtered by the boogieman.
Molly: O_O
At least Raoul and Aladdin got along sometimes on the show?
Hey, Chandra... uh... tries? Sometimes. I'm having a good time imagining little Mohinder training Nirand to attack his stuffed animals, though. And maybe the cook for making vegetables.
Molly seemed to be pretty okay with Thompson, actually. But I can imagine him pulling out lines like that had she needed "encouragement" after Mohinder cured her.
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