I've been browsing through a lot of gender bent Star Trek fanart lately and it inspired me to revisit the whole Girl!Sylar idea. Of course, Girl!Sylar lead to Girl!Mohinder, and Girl!Mohinder... well, I guess you can see where this is going.
I really like how girl!Sylar turned out. She scares me a little (more so than regular Sylar :P)
Looking back at my previous Girl!Mohinder drawings, I realized that she didn't really look that much like Mohinder, so I wanted to fix that, mainly in the shape of her face and nose. I think it worked, right?
Awww, aren't they cute together? I think this is probably one of the most tender Mylar drawings I'd ever done. Which is ironic since they're both girls here. Although since I kinda imagined this as just minutes before the whole drugged chai incident, I don't think things will stay sweet for every long.
I have to admit that although I like girl!Mo's face here, not loving Sylar overall. Her proportions are weird and I messed up on the pants (it was only after I started coloring did I remember that Zane!Sylar is always in khankis, not jeans). But since I rarely ever do side profiles, I will give myself a pat on the back for that.
I've got a two week break before summer classes start and I want to spend it drawing more fanarts, so I'm open to requests if anyone has any. I can't promise a masterpiece, but I'll give whatever is requested my best shot. Of course, my main rule is no smut and no violence. Won't do it, won't touch it.