Mylar Rec Lists and Masterlists Wanted

Jan 12, 2010 14:29

Ok, now that the holiday contest is all wrapped up, I'm finishing up stuff for the new comm profile I'm building.  One of the things I want to add to the profile is a resource for new or returning people to find good mylar fic and other fannish products.  So I'm asking you all for your rec lists.

Do you have...

A mylar category in your LJ memories?
A mylar category in your Delicious?
A mylar recs post?
A mylar recs tag?

If you're willing to share any of these with people, then it'd be wonderful if you could leave a link to them in a comment to this entry.  I'll make a new post with the links all nicely organized in a few days, and then I'll link to that entry from the new comm profile.  If you could please specify whether the link is for fic recs or for art/vids/etc, then I'll make separate categories for those.

Oh, and please make sure your rec lists/posts are public--flocked stuff isn't really useful to new folks and/or lurkers.

On a related topic, I'm also planning on linking to a new version the list of masterlists post that was made back when we ran awards.  Since that list is rather old, I'm hoping to add some new authors to it.  If you want your masterlist added, please comment on that entry (or here, I'm not picky) with a link, and I'll include it.  Also, if your masterlist is on that post, could you please double-check that your link goes to where you want it to?  I know some people do a new masterlist every so often, so links can dead-end.  If there's a different URL I should be using, please leave a comment letting me know.  Also, if you would like to not have your masterlist included on the new list, I can do that, too. =)

And while we're on the topic of the new profile, don't forget to become an affiliate.

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