Title: Red and White
Author: Maxinegray
Characters: Mohinder, Sylar
Rating: PG 13
Prompt: Candy Cane
A/N: Written for the mylar_fic holiday prompt table. I won't be posting the rest till after Jan cause I leave for St.Petersburg tonight. This is not fluffy. I don't think so.
Sylar has red and white days. )
Title: Apocalypse Please
Author: Maxinegray
Characters: Mohinder, Sylar, Adam
Rating: PG13
Prompt: Mistletoe
Warning: Violence. Zombies.
A/N: Also written for mylar_fic holiday prompt table. This one is for for mabetini!
“Very smart plan, Monroe. I applaud you on your genius of using a mutated version of the Shanti virus on the entire population.” )