Title: Sweaty Palms
starrdust411Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Gabriel/Mohinder
Rating: PG
Summary: He never believed in love at first sight. Not even then.
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes.
Warnings: Slash, AU, Humor
Sitting and wishing can only get you so far. )
Comments 10
lololol I adore this image. Just Gabriel sitting there, Mohinder walks in, beep, beep, beep, beep, BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP.
I know I took the darker route, but I felt kind've bad about it because with Gabriel there is so much potential for cuteness, as shown here. All of Gabriel's clumsiness, and his nervousness, and the pie, and worrying he's saying the wrong things... I just want to hug him. Here's hoping Mohinder can keep him on the straight and narrow. And that eventually they can move their research to a house in the suburbs with a nice white picket fence. ;)
Well I really liked your take because it was so realistic and logical. I just felt like doing something cute and silly since (overall) this pairing doesn't really allow for that lol.
Hehe, don't forget the 2.5 kids XD
And now I want Mohinder to beat his dad using the test subject he was going to abandon! >=)
This was so sweet and awkward and believable. I do think they could have been friends (and maybe more) had they met before Sylar started to emerge/kill.
YW! ♥
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