I finally have an inspired idea for a video and I am without all of my lady business. I packed up all my hairs and various giant bows and berets, but they have sat unused in my apartment since I moved. Now I am back at Mom's, ready to get down to business but am without all my tools. About 20 minutes after my folks went to bed I immediately started walking around and talking with my hands, wrapping scarves around my head and saying "Are we ever really are where we really are?" in a british accent. You know in interviews when actresses talk about the characters they play in third person? "Claire is sort of stuck between two worlds. You know, she is in transition. I think that is what initially drew me to this script, that idea that someone could be stuck between two worlds and be in transition. I don't think i will ever run out of things to say while I move my hand like this."
"I think in that way we are really simliar - you know that thing that exists in everyone - Claire Knows that. She has seen it in herself, in other people - she is a survivor. In the first 45 minutes in the movie we don't see her leave her house, she is doing all these things that seem so boring to most people, so mundane.... but to her they are moments of great beauty." etc