I am very excited. This is not only my first drabble, it is also my first ever F/S.
I want to dedicate it with a big thank you to all the fine writers whose incredible stories I have enjoyed over the past year or so when I found this fandom! And let me not forget the splendid artists who have delighted me with their renderings. F/S is so dear to my heart.
And an extra-special thank you to
melanieathene for her great beta-ing and for just being so darn fun. :)
(And can I just say "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" about all the ORC stories/pics/videos!)
I am transfixed by your languid gaze, your pupils large with desire, with trust, with love. I slowly stroke you, hard and warm and smooth in my palm. You are all I see, all I breathe, all I am. My finger traces the edge of where I want to be, circling, circling. Willingly you yield when I push. Then--
“No!” Sam cries, grabbing my wrist, wrenching me away.
The Ring thuds heavily against my chest.
“Don’t put it on.” His voice falters. “Don’t look at It. Look at me. Me! ...Mr. Frodo?
Oh, my dear Sam, I was, I was.