Apr 19, 2006 22:37
burdock root cleanses your liver. ill be sure to make some the next time i go on an alcohol binge...i believe that will be tomorrow night at flaunt. i kinda want to go to quarterdecks as well. hmmmmm. maybe both. charles and sarah from work are coming as well. should be good times. speaking of work, my last week at whole foods is next week...i think...i need a new job. so, help? please? i went to boomers last night with marissa and co. and had a lot of fun. mini golf was great. i had the lowest score...but, i stole the pink ball i used...so...i really won. i played top skater and air trix back and forth for like and hour. i need to own both of them. when i got back in the car i still felt like i was playing the video game. like i was controlling the car like a ... skateboard? haha. maybe it was the pot. i dunno. susan is coming over in a little while to give me a blow job multiple blow jobs. ur jealous. charles is going to kashmir tonight. im jealous. so, next wednesday, i go to kashmir. i need to do my part as a homo and go to a gay establishments more often than never. i think lauren should come down from jupiter and dance with the gays as well. perhaps? perhaps? perhaps? this entry makes almost no sense. but, that's ok.
p.s. my new favorite song is 'apart from this' by the mountaineers. thank you brian. this cd is amazing. <3 download it if you can find it.