So I do this gaming thing, every Thursday. It's at my house. For the last few months, I've been feeling very disconnected from the rest of the group. We've been friends for a long time, and yet at the end of each week, I continue to find myself believing that the group would be better off without my participation
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Comments 27
On the other hand, tho, sometimes friends don't realize how certain types of joking around are really hurting people. People get into a groove of thinking that it's all in good harmless fun, and don't always know how it's really affecting their friends. Sometimes just letting people know, even just one-on-one, can make a change. We've been lucky, you and i, to have good friends, and sometimes just letting folks know what's up can turn things on a dime. Depends on who they are, i guess.
*shrug* FWIW. I got your back either way, couz. Do what you have to for you and yours.
My own participation has been iffy lately, as my understanding of my tastes in gaming has improved. I'm in it because I like gaming with these people and the experience is frequently entertaining, as opposed to Harn, which had started to feel like being crotch-punched by a malevolent deity every session. If Marc showed up one day and said, "Hell with Shadowrun, I'm running DITV," it would be my best gaming moment in two years. I know, sadly, that I am the only one in the group who feels that way.
The part that irks me is that I used to look forward to Srun because the story is pretty cool.
Harn is harn, and I'm starting to understand why you disliked playing Daros. I'm ready for the campaign reset button anytime.
I don't get DITV, but I think it's my hate of the setting getting in the way.
It's weird when you have a stupid character (or a whatever character) and somehow, this all becomes a reason to pick on *you*. Like, you must be that stupid because you're making bad choices in a game, choices you'd never make in real life. It's boring to play characters who do everything perfectly. And with that line between being in character and out... it's hard to defend yourself.
Well, maybe yes, maybe no. Different games (in which I include rules, settings, and personalities) have different levels of tolerance for suboptimal approaches. I'll never play an Arb Ninja game with you again, because in his style, going for funny over efficient can get other members of the party killed. If you were in a game that supported choosing funny or dramatic over efficient, on the other hand, I'd do whatever I could to join, because you do make things fun.
Getting back to the original issue, I think that eventually you need to get back to the fun you want to have, figure out what's keeping you from having that fun, and soliciting the ( ... )
Or (another thought), maybe you are more bored of the game aspects of the group and are noticing the interpersonal more as a result? When you have gaming to distract you, the dynamic becomes more background noise?
That or the group would just focus on someone else in the group to ridicule non-stop.
Why should I continue to give up a night with my daughter and wife to be ridiculed?
Been there, done that. That's why I left the group a few years ago. When I came back I wasn't the focus of so much sniping, but by the time I left this time it was barely a gaming group anymore, more a forum for discussion of airsoft and/or Eve Online, neither of which I play. It got... unfocused.
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