(no subject)

Mar 20, 2006 12:12

i went out with my girls lynsie nims and ashley kaponya to the millinium in frankfort oh my god, it was so much fun. Our tab was so fucking high by the end of the night, my tab was way over fifty bucks oh well chump change. I love dancing and going out with people who can actually dance because people love to stare at us, i love it. I love dancing with ashley and grabbing her long blond hair. by the end of the night people thought we were lesbians haha dont worry im not, 95% straight haha. Anyways i came home from work yesturday and my boyfriend did alittle shopping for me, he brought me all kinds of sexy shirts, he is the sweetest guy alive. I am so tired of holiday inn the hours and the money is good but the people fucking suck. Always complaining fucking losers. i cant belive this, nobody will, i am actually driving now haha kick ass. i am not very good i am ok, i almost hit a car, driving past the hospital on township yesturday but hey its ok at least i am behind the wheel. I want to join a gym but mike does not want to and neither do my slutty ass friends haha. I am not working out by myself, i guess dancing is enough. oh yeah i just found out that jamie is hooking up with my exboyfriend jason haha haha and my old friend christinas mad at me so she is trying to fuck one of my exboyfriends to make me mad haha oh yeah and my ex girl shannon is fucking my ex travis because she wanted him while we were together haha. Why does everyone one want my sloppy seconds all my ex friends end up hooking up with my exs because they are mad at me. you guys are fucking losers get a life. find a boyfriend nobody else (had) damn i must have pissed you guys off haha
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